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Lpr For Mac

gerviegifesdaedef 2021. 1. 12. 11:21

  1. Lpr Macos
  2. Lpr Mac Terminal
  3. Lpr For Car Wash

5) Select 'Create a new port', under 'Type of port' choose LPR port. 6) Enter the following information: Name or address of server providing lpd: wave.itg.ias.edu. Name of the printer or print queue on that server: Enter the name of the printer you are trying to connect to. 7) Click OK, select the correct driver for your chosen printer. In the Address field, enter the IP address of the print server. In the Protocol drop-down list, click Line Printer Daemon – LPD or LPR. To add the name and location of the printer, complete the Name and Location fields. In the Use drop-down list, select the driver for the printer.

Set up a network printer via LPR/IP | 15 comments | Create New Account
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I don't know what it is, but LPR just won't run. Files seems like they're printing, but they end up in a dead queue when I look at the logs.
I'm running over a Novell network, but I thought attaching to the IP would take care of that.
Any ideas, anyone??

Take a look at this site. It explains how to set up LPR printing for network printers. Good luck!
Is there any way I can get LPR printing working (or otherwise print from console or XFree86 apps) with a supported USB printer, such as my Canon S600?

I'd also like to be able to get printer sharing to work, so I can print wirelessly from my iBook as I can now do with printer sharing under classic? I'd rather not be running classic on my G3 because it slows it down too much.

Some folks tried my LPR set up instructions at www.tijsseling.com/professional/xtipstop.html for USB printers and it did work for them. Try it out.

Excuse my newbism, but how do you know or set your laserprinter's IP address ?
this would really help me to increase my printing speed !
i would like to set my LW IIg to talk to my network via IP; in order to do it, i need to add it in Print Center via IP... and then, i need to know my printer's IP address, which my newbism wont let me know ;)

I am still looking for a simple explanation to the problems you are encountering. I have three laser printers on a network. 2 of them are HP printers with the same IP address so I can't seem to print to one of them. The other is a LexMark M410 which allegedly allows me to change the address but I keep getting a message that there is a problem with the address I gave it.
Therefore, there must be some secret to what numbers a printer can have, and conversely, there must be some secret to how you can change the IP numbers on an HP 8000N.
I sure haven't found it yet.
One of these days, someone will give us a clear, non-techy answer to these problems. As for now, I can barely print and have a pretty hard time getting my OSX to connect to my network.
At this point, it all seems like dark arts and witchcraft. But like I said, someday, someone will offer us a clear, step-by-step process that will get us up and running ... in the meantime, don't we non-techy's just long for the days when all we had to do was select a printer or server via the chooser?

TCP/IP rule #1: 2 devices cannot have the same IP address.

Lpr Macos

I have a LW IIg also, and I tried all sorts of tricks to enable IP printing. It boils down to, this printer expects AppleTalk jobs, and it's not going to talk IP.
Less boiling: I work in networking, and I tried adding a static ARP entry to assign an IP address, and then I read the manual that it doesn't have a network stack so it just doesn't talk IP. The Ethernet cable threw me off too -- I probably should have started with the manual! I haven't given up hope, but I am using another printer now so I'm not looking hard. CUPS is remarkable, and atprint should be able to handle it too. However, if you're a newbie (don't like the looks of Terminal for 'man atprint') or just plain busy (me), a new printer would be the faster solution. Sorry.

I've got LPR working to a HP laserjet 5 connected to a linux 7.2 box.
I'm using the LaserJet5M setting from the 'printer model' setting in OSX..
I'm not sure if the LJ5 is postscript or not...
The prints look great, but print kinda slow...Any Idea how to speed it up?

Just a quick tip for anyone trying to use the SMC Wireless router (Barricade SMC7004AWBR) internal printserver with a PostScript-compatible printer hooked to its parallel port.
Use IP printing as described in this tip, but do NOT use the default print queue. You MUST use 'lp' (lowercase, no quotes) as the print queue name. Use the IP of the Barricade as the IP of the printserver and select/install the appropriate PPD for your printer.
Ignore all the stuff on SMC's site about this router not supporting Macintosh printing -- it works just fine with 10.1.2 and my HPLJ 6MP, both over Ethernet and Airport.

I want to print from my new Ti Powerbook to a brother laser printer that is connected to my router's built in print server. All of my PC's can print to the laser printer fine through the router and I set up the PB with all the great tips I found on this site. Unfortunately, as soon as I hit print I get the standard spooling message and the display on the printer even says 'recieving data' but as soon as the spooling is done the printer just goes back to sleep.
I'd like to point out a few things before I get a response.
1. Hooking up the Ti PB directly to the printer using a USB cable works perfectly.
2. I'm using an Airport card and can browse the web with no problems.
3. There are no brother printers to choose from when setting up the printer.
4. I've installed 'Gimp-Print' went to the CUPS site and a host of other things suggested here but I get the same result. Printer acts like it is 'recieving data' then goes back to sleep.
5. The print queue name is 'lp' and the address is my router ip address
6. On the brother site it says my model is supported printing via USB but not via ethernet (Which seems to be the only logical reason I can think of on why it doesn't work)
I really want to get this to work.
Thanks for any advice - V

although this tip might not be read by many because it's older already, here's a little correction: the printer queue is NOT the name you want to give the printer, it has to be the name of a lpd queue. for example: at home i have a linux box which has two epson stylus color printers (non postscript, but that doesn't matter) connected to it. for both printers i set up multiple queues for their different quality level drivers. the queues for the first one are stylus_low, stylus_medium, stylus_high and stylus_mono. for installing those 'printers' on the macos x machines you'd have to add a new tcp/ip printer for all four and name the queues just like they are named in the lpd: stylus_low, stylus_medium and so on.... the default queue by default is actually set to 'lp' although i don't understand why another user had problems when using the default queue for printing on a queue named lp.... but i guess that's another story

To add some details, the default queue is one of the names you give the printer in /etc/printcap if you're running lpd. 'lp' is the default in that file.

The printer works fine on OS9 but not on OSX. I am connected to a LAN, via Asanté Ethernet Localtalk Bridge + 4-Port Ethernet hub. When trying to add the printer to the print center, I get a 'print center unexpectedly quit' message.
My Apple dealer suggests I look up Apple Knowledge Base Article 106714, but I have been unable to locate this by searching the Apple Knowledge page.
Has anyone succeeded in printing on such a printer with OSX ?
Guy Pfeffermann

Lpr Mac Terminal

Printing from terminal, printing a postscript file

Lpr For Car Wash

I have configured lpr printers in OSX (thanks for the tip about not using the default queue), but now I would like to use the lpr, lpq etc command from a terminal (Darwin) window. An lpq -a shows none of the printers that show from a linux box on the same network. What need I do to make my mac's unix side aware of printers?
In OSX how do I print a .ps file? I know I can do from a command line with lpr - if I can make the printers known to Darwin - but I want to know how to do it with the OSX GUI. Dropping it on a printer queue opened by double clicking a printer in PrintCenter doesn't do it, and Mac OSX help is useless. It tells you how to make .ps files, but not what to do with them.
Thanks for the advice!